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The largest annual gathering of women VC investors

Join 500+ amazing women VC investors for inspirational keynote speakers, tactical breakout sessions, and extraordinary networking opportunities. 

We're sold out! 

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The All Raise VC Summit is by invitation only and designed specifically for active investors in US-based, venture-backed technology startups. We welcome all women in venture capital, growth equity, angel groups, and the corporate VC world from across the US and at different stages in their careers.

Tuesday, November 12
3:00 – 5:00pm: Optional pre-conference sessions
4:00 – 6:00pm: Registration and check-in at the Oakland Marriott
6:00 – 10:00pm: Private networking dinners at local Oakland restaurants

Wednesday, November 13
Oakland Marriott City Center
8:00am: Coffee, light breakfast, networking
9:00am: Programming (includes all sessions and lunch)
5:30pm: Formal programming ends
5:30 – 7:00pm: Closing reception/celebration

Oakland Marriott City Center
1001 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607

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All Raise photograph
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Trailblazing Women, Unicorn Founders

Featuring Julia Hartz (Eventbrite), Emily Weiss (Glossier), and Michelle Zatlyn (Cloudflare)
Moderated by Aileen Lee (Cowboy Ventures)

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Joining Forces Creates Change

Alicia Garza and Cecile Richards, co-founders of a new political group called Supermajority, are mobilizing women across race, class, and generation to harness their power and organize in their communities. Moderated by Mina Kim, Evening Anchor at KQED News.

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The Fight for Equality

Hear from world-class athletes Ibitihaj Muhammad and Bianca ValentiEllen McGirt, Senior Editor, Fortune Magazine and “RaceAhead” Columnist.


Hear from these amazing experts in our breakout sessions, which will supercharge your insights as an investor and your professional development.

Founding Partners

National Partners

Summit Sponsors

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